
Registration deadline 30 June 2024
60 cars / 30 motorcycles / 20 aircraft

You can download the form as a PDF here for your registration. Please print it out and send it by post or email to the following address:

Wolfgang Fousek
Bojernsteg 4a
D-83324 Ruhpolding

You should send us your complete registration documents promptly, as confirmation will be made in the order in which registration and payment are received.

No registration will be confirmed without payment.

Download registration for VEHICULES/MOTOrcycles as PDF

Download registration for Airplanes as PDF

By taking over, the participant declares that he will comply with all legal regulations, in particular the StVO and StVZO and the consideration requirements contained therein, and that he will refrain from endangering third parties and public interests. The road traffic regulations must be complied with and their requirements must be observed, other road users must be paid attention to and their need and sense of security must be taken into account. The participant is responsible for ensuring that he has the appropriate insurance cover. The organizer is not liable under any legal aspect. Should any of the above requirements be subject to legal concerns, each participant undertakes to agree to the desired regulatory objective of exempting the organizer from liability as far as possible..

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